Saturday, July 2, 2011

Rockin' in the City

I arrived in the City of Rocks (Idaho) and met these 2 young climbers from (of all places) New Paltz, NY (home of the gunks). We climbed together all day mostly enjoying the beauty of the Circle Creek/North Fork area where I had never been. It is turning hot here for the holiday weekend and the place is crawling with climbers. My next partner in climb, Beth, arrives this evening. We plan to enjoy a full week in "The City."
Thanks to Emily and Colin for a great day yesterday!


  1. Hey Jean!

    So happy to receive mention on your blog! We had a great time getting to know you, and climbing with you of course. You're a wonderful positive force to have at the crag. Hope to see you sometime soon around the Gunks, or wherever our adventures may take us.
    Enjoy your time at the city, Rock On!

    -Emily & Colin

  2. It is turning hot here for the holiday weekend and the place is crawling with climbers.
